

Who Is Her Hidden Power
Our purpose is to facillitate how women identitify their purpose, transform their perspective of self worth, and achieve their goals by providing information and resources with foundational and practical life application.
We aim to redefine how women see and care for the complete self: mind, body, spirit.
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Navigating the world is challenging. It can feel especially burdensome when you are a woman. Although we have come a long way, women are still being fed false truths about their identity, worth, power, and place in society. HHP is dedicated to dispelling the lies with a message of love. We stand on a simple belief:
Love is eternal and shall endure forever. If you build your identity's foundation in a love defined through God, so too shall you endure forever.
With our resources, identify and address what holds you back. Find the tools and skills necessary to navigate life without losing sight of who you are. Let HHP empower you to build the confidence to stop compromising your wholeness.

committed not by money, but by mission
no matter who, no matter where, no matter when
life according to the Word and not the world
rooted in an eternal and unconditional love
consistently through our brand and our beliefs
of perception,perspective, and identity.
Our Values
Our brand name is a promise to remind women of who they are and whom they belong to. It was born from our belief that women are powerful reflections of the character and likeness of God. We believe women have God given power that is hidden under fear, shame, and a lifetime of being taught to bow down to the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Her HIdden Power, is a reflection of our mission to remind women of their purpose and their God given spiritual power to accomplish it.
Therefore, we aim to uphold values that will fall in line with our identity: